ThinkPartners undertakes each consulting assignment with a single focus - "how will outputs from the engagement specifically contribute to maximizing the value of your firm?" These guardrails help ensure engagement delivery that is rich in client-value and often exceeding expectations. Our principals will take the time to understand the nuances of how your firm creates value for its customers. We also map how much of the value your firm is successful at monetizing for itself. We believe that the ability of any entity (governmental, private or non-profit) to capture a significant portion of the value it creates, results from a combination of - (i) which customers and which needs the firm has chosen to serve and, (ii) the underlying capabilities that the firm has developed in order to serve the targeted customer needs efficiently and effectively. One part of the scope of services ThinkPartners delivers is directed at identifying, sizing & validating customer segments, needs and opportunities that both attractive and yet difficult to meet - meaning that the value created from serving them will be large and growing (for some forecasted duration). The other part of our work focuses on identification & investment in underlying capabilities or detecting capability gaps and deficiencies (or new strategic capability needs) that must be addressed to serve the targeted customer needs. Our scope in this area extends into creating competitive advantages/exemplar performance in serving the identified customer needs better or in a differentiated fashion as compared to the competition. We develop a direct line of sight from our engagements to the achievement of our customer's overall mission and demonstrate how the engagement will "move the needle" by - enhancing the competitive position our customer occupies and/or through implementation of unique capabilities to serve the customer cheaper or differently. The following matrix summarizes our practice/service areas and the corresponding customer segments we endeavor to serve: |
Government |
Private Sector |
Small & Mid-sized Business (SMBs) |
Management Consulting Practice-Area | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Management Consulting practice serves
Representative Solution profiles:
Please call or email info@thinkpartners.us for detailed discussion or additional solution profiles. *Denotes pseudonym to for customer name.
Business Advisory Practice Area | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Business Advisory practice serves to address the needs of Small- and Mid-sized Business (SMB) customers. We have right-sized our ThinkToolsSM portolio of diagnostics, tools and frameworks to suit this customer segment without compromising on rigor or accuracy. This allows us to apply the same structured management techniques and tools leveraged by premier consultancies to deliver breakthrough results for SMBs. In the course of our association with customers, we are often called upon to continue the relationship in an on-going advisory capacity. As a result we offer a "services line of credit" which consists of a stipulated block of advisory/consulting hours per annum at compelling pricing. This allows SMB customers to, on-demand, draw on our expertise to bear upon any challenge or issue they face throughout the course of the financial year. Representative Solution Profiles:
Representative solution profiles are being completed for posting here soon. Please call or email info@thinkpartners.us for detailed discussion. |
Technology Strategy Practice Area | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Technology Strategy practice area focuses on helping customers leverage and optimize the transformative power of Information Technology. We focus on engagements that translate high-level business strategy into corresponding IT strategy. This is required to help operationalize (or remediate gaps & deficiencies) the essential business capabilities needed to create, deliver and capture business value from serving the customers - efficienctly, effectively and uniquely. Representative services in this area include - IT strategic planning, roadmap development, solution selection/alternatives analysis, IT capabilities assessment/design, IT advocacy, performance reporting/communication and controls & risk identification and remediation. Our Technology Practice-Area principals are experienced in business strategy, operations-support, finance as well as in Information Technology. This diversity in experiences allows our staff to focus on the development/enhancement of the IT area with a senior business executive perspective - one that creates a combination of both efficiency and impact. Representative Solution Profiles:
*Denotes pseudonym to for customer name. Please call or email info@thinkpartners.us for detailed discussion or additional solution profiles. |
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